Crescer magazine's Prize as best picture book - Brazil 2014
selected for "the world through picture book" IFLA (International Federation of Libraries Association) - Netherlands 2015
selected for the exhibition "Più libri più libri" - Italy 2015
France 2ème édition (Casterman - 2017)
Japan (Kijitora Publishing, Inc. - 2017)
England (Tate Publishing - 2016)
Sweden (Mirando bok - 2013)
China (Abula Press - 2011)
Netherland (De Eenhoorn - 2011)
Brazil (WMF - Martins Fontes - 2010)
Greece (Kokkino - 2010)
France 1ère édition (Autrement jeunesse - 2009)
Korea (The Choice Maker - 2009)
Spain (SM infantil - 2009)
Italy (Topipittori - 2008)